Eric Redmond

Eric Redmond is the Forrest Gump of technology: a twenty-year veteran technologist who always happens to show up wherever deep tech history is being made, from the first iPhone apps to big data to Bitcoin. He has advised state and national governments, Fortune 100 companies, and groups as varied as the World Economic Forum and MIT Media Lab. He has also authored half a dozen technology books (including two tech books for babies) and spoken on every continent except Antarctica. Today, he's a husband, a dad, and the leader of a global tech innovation team.

Events and Press


The Transformation Network

Deep Tech Adoption will
Differentiate Future Winners

RD&X Podcast, Feb 8, 2021


At FedTech, discussed Deep Tech and how it connects to startup and government investment


One Giant Leap, Riyadh

Conference Keynote, TBD

Keynote, Nov 28-30

Author Hour

Eric discusses Deep Tech, leadership, and authorship

Author Hour Podcast, April 15


“Every company is a tech company these days, and Deep Tech is an in-depth look into what that may translate to for your business… Eric Redmond can help sort through it all.”


Sync with Ken Yarmosh

Eric talks with Ken about the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the role deep tech plays in it, and what industrial players can do to win in a shifting landscape

Sync Podcast, May 25

Talk with Dr. Hamilton

Eric talks with Dr. Diane Hamilton about the future of leadership, and how deep tech is more about empathy than you might expect

Take The Lead Podcast, Apr 23


Agile TBM

How knowledge of Deep Tech is critical to planning and funding agility

Agile Workshop, April 12


MIT Bootcamp

“Keep learning, build a community.”

Panelist, May 2